Pre-service English Teacher / Applied Linguistics Researcher / English Language Tutor


Areas of Interest

My research mainly concerns applied linguistics, or the application of linguistic theories to everyday contexts. More specifically, I am interested in the fields of second language acquisition (SLA) and variationist sociolinguistics. Below show my current research foci as an undergraduate. 



Jan-Mar 2024

Student Research Assistant, Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

I assisted a research project led by Professor Haerim Hwang entitled “Predictive processing in native and non-native language: An interdisciplinary study combining psycholinguistics and computational linguistics”. My role in the project was to communicate with participants on behalf of the research team and to conduct sentence processing experiments with the use of EyeLink 1000 Plus. 


Currently, I am working on several research projects related to applied linguistics. On the one hand, I am developing my undergraduate capstone project into a manuscript for publication with my supervisor, Professor Haerim Hwang. On the other hand, I am collaborating with Professor Wilkinson Gonzales in exploring Cantonese-English code-switching as a sociolinguistic phenomenon in Hong Kong.